In order to provide you with the best possible online shopping experience, we offer a 3 days return service (unless otherwise stated in the terms and conditions or product description).

Goods maybe returned if they satisfy one or more of the following:

- Goods are damaged

- Wrong size

- Mismatched goods (wrong colour or product)

- No stock


Terms and conditions:

- Each order may only be refunded/returned once.
- All goods returned must be maintained in its original state. They must not be used or worn, tags and price cards must be intact, with the original accessories (if any) and original brand packaging.

If there are any disputes, The Showroom Kids & Baby will have the final say.

If you have any questions or inquiries, please email us at


退款政策 – Showroom kids



- 貨物損壞

- 尺寸錯誤

- 不符合的商品 (顏色或產品錯誤)

- 無庫存


- 每個訂單只能退款/退回一次。

- 所有退回的貨物必須保持原狀態。不得使用或磨損,標籤和價格卡必須完好無損,與原始品牌包裝。

- 內衣/泳衣/發飾/定製產品不符合交換或退貨條件。

如果有任何爭議, The Showroom Kids & Baby將有最終決定權。


為了為您提供最好的網上購物體驗,我們提供3天的退貨服務(除非條款和條件或產品說明中另有說明)。貨物如果滿足以下一種或多項要求,則可能退回:  貨物損壞 /尺寸錯誤 / 不匹配的貨物(顏色錯誤)